What a day. Yesterday properly shifted into gear with Clay Shirky’s lunchtime talk at the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts).

The talk was one of the ICA’s “Feedback” season events and as part of their investigation into the effects of networked and social media, they actively encourage the use of  recording equipment during talks.  So, rather than summarise Shirky’s talk we have uploaded two snippets recorded on the Flip (see our YouTube Channel).

We were dying to ask Shirky, in this changing world, how non-profits and charities could exploit the tools available to us. The microphone didn’t get to us but Lucy did catch up with him as he left the lecture theatre. He showed interest in our charity model and then mentioned his current writing about generosity within community. This will surely change third sector thinking or at least accelerate the change that has started to happen. We hold our breath in anticipation.

Clay Shirky talking at the ICA Feedback session in London

Clay Shirky talking at the ICA Feedback session in London

Our inaugural Child’s i Foundation meetup the Old Bank of England last night was testament to Shirky’s thinking that social tools – the internet, mobile phones, applications built on top of those “have provided an antidote to the hassle factor when you try to get a group of people to do something”.  We used meetup.com to invite a group of  “social innovators and supporters” to join us, to present our plans and ideas to them face-to-face and to ask for their feedback and involvement.

Link to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKXqB9pD-gQ

The evening was just so enjoyable. A group of 40 interesting and varied people offered us their time, helped us understand how to recruit and organise better, they committed to sporting and community fundraising events, offered us their expert technical expertise, architectural skills and marketing ideas. It didn’t even end at pub closing time. Several meetup community members have written to us today with ideas and incredible offers such as donating percentage profits from their new business to the charity and expert social work advice.

Talking, listening, collaborating, interacting at meetup

Talking, listening, collaborating, interacting at meetup

People travelled into London from other parts of the country for this event, people who didn’t previously know us personally but have connected with us online and understand our cause.

We are truly grateful to be able to collaborate and receive direct feedback from our community and look forward together to making this a really enjoyable venture to be part of.

The slideshow presentation from the evening is here on SlideShare.com

Our first ever meetup

Our first ever meetup